Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dens of Chronic Unhappiness

Monday's over.  Godawful Tuesday almost is, too. Hump day is almost here. That's how my thought process goes until my day off, which goes too quickly, leaving me dreading the next workday and all the things I could be doing--like cleaning the inside of my cabinets. Or waxing the floor by hand. Or scrubbing woodwork with a toothbrush. Cleaning a random Port-A-Pottie. Trying to burn out a nest of killer hornets. Swimming naked in the Amazon river.

I'd do literally almost ANYTHING to not have to go into my job.

My job makes my depression worse. It makes me feel like less than a human. I am a warm body taking up space, answering call after call after call; tallying up productivity with meaningless task after task after task. I am tied to a headset, unable to get up when I please. Call centers make healthy people depressed, addicted, and angry.

Call center workers are one of the last bastions of ill treated employees in America. Even in centers of excellence, things go on DAILY that disrespect the inherent humanity and dignity of workers.

So why do people take these jobs, why do they stay in these jobs? Why is the industry so bad? And how can we make it better?

If you have a call center story, share it!

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